Friday, March 26, 2010

Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society 2010 International Fellows visited TPF!

2010 Emerging Leaders International Fellows of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, Anna, Jennifer, Zeynep, Bernadette and Alexandra visited Turkish Philanthropy Funds to learn about TPF, and discuss civil society and community foundations.

Since its inception twenty years ago, the International Fellows Program has sponsored 142 fellows from 54 countries. TPF's Chief Operating Officer, Senay Ataselim (2005), and TPF's former board member Filiz Bikmen (2006) are among the former fellows.

The three-month Emerging Leaders International Fellows Program provides training to young scholar-practitioners from overseas, as well as from communities of color under-represented in the U.S. grantmaking sector, through applied research, seminars with scholars and practitioners, and professional networking opportunities. This year’s program will focus on community foundations examined through a comparative framework of philanthropic trends and civil society development in a global context.

The Fellows, who are at the Center this year are: Ms. Anna Gulevska-Chernysh from Kiev, Ukraine; Ms. Jennifer Litchfield from Winnipeg, Canada; Ms. Zeynep Meydanoğlu from Istanbul, Turkey; Ms. Bernadette Hellmann from Berlin, Germany; and Ms. Alexandra Nayeli Jiménez Martínez from México City, México.

In addition to writing an original research paper, Fellows will participate in seminars on US and international voluntary-sector activities; learn about the work of key agencies through readings and site visits; meet with leading nonprofit representatives and scholars in the field; and attend workshops relevant to their areas of interest.

TPF is proud to be one of the funders of the 2010 Emerging Leaders Program along with the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and The Winnipeg Foundation.

Return back to TPF's website.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Elazig Earthquake

In an effort to provide assistance to the victims of the earthquake in Elazığ, Turkish Philanthropy Funds has reached out to leading nonprofit organizations in Turkey to find the most feasible way to support the disaster relief efforts.

We learned that the center of the earthquake is the district of Başyurt at Karakocan however the most devastated area is the town of Kovancılar. A crisis management desk has been established at the District Governor’s Office in Kovancılar, which collects and distributes the assistance.  About 2,500 people in Kovancılar were affected by the earthquake. The most needed relief products are: baby food, children clothing such as shoes, coats, sweaters, socks, etc., and personal hygiene products.

All relief products can be sent directly to:
Kovancılar Kaymakamlığı
Kriz Merkezi
Tel:        +90-424-611-7679

As Turkish Philanthropy Funds, we won’t be collecting relief products in the US.  If you would like to send money  from the US to support the disaster relief efforts, please call us at 1.646.530.8988.

Visit TPF's website.